Back End/AWS

[AWS] Setting up Cloudfront signed cookies for multiple paths in Java, Kotlin

DevPing9_ 2023. 5. 1. 18:29

bug fix


What we need to do

1. Find AWS SDK Library

2. Assgin openssl rsa public key to Cloudfront

3. Set SignedCookie to Response in Application Code


Example Kotlin Code

fun getBookContentResponse(
    req: HttpServletRequest,
    res: HttpServletResponse,
    bookContentId: String
): BookContentResponse {

    val expireCalendar = Calendar.getInstance()
    expireCalendar.add(Calendar.MINUTE, 60)

    val resourcePath = "$bookContentId/*"

    val privateKeyFile = File(privateKeyLocation)

    val cookies = CloudFrontCookieSigner
            SignerUtils.Protocol.https, // e.g. "https" (not `https://`)
            contentCloudFrontFQDN, // e.g. "" (FQDN needed, not Root Domain)
            privateKeyFile, // private key for Cloudfront public key
            resourcePath, // e.g. "image/*" (not `/image/*`)
            cfPubKey, // CloudFront public key id (you can find it in AWS Console)
            expireCalendar.time, // Signed Cookie expiredAt
            null, // Signed Cookie activeFrom (if null, it starts as soon as it is issued)
            null // Signed Cookie Allowed IP (if null, there's no retriction for client IP)

    val url = SignerUtils.generateResourcePath(SignerUtils.Protocol.https, contentCloudFrontFQDN, resourcePath)

    res.addCookie(makeSignedCookie(cookies.getPolicy().key, cookies.getPolicy().value))
    res.addCookie(makeSignedCookie(cookies.signature.key, cookies.signature.value))
    res.addCookie(makeSignedCookie(cookies.keyPairId.key, cookies.keyPairId.value))

    return BookContentResponse(baseUrl = url.substring(0, url.length - 2))

fun makeSignedCookie(key: String, value: String): Cookie {
        val cookie = Cookie(key, value)

        cookie.domain = getRootDomain(contentCloudFrontFQDN) // you can customize
        cookie.path = "/"
        cookie.isHttpOnly = true = true
        return cookie

