[React] Attempted import error: 'Redirect' is not exported from 'react-router' (리액트 redirect 안됨)Front End/React 2021. 12. 1. 19:26
어서오세요..! 🤗
<Routes></Routes> 해결하시고 또 뵙는거겠죠....?
(나쁜놈들,,,)react-router-dom 이 V5 -> V6 로 버전업되면서 변경된 사항입니다.
# 변경사항
- <Redirect/> 컴포넌트는 더 이상 존재하지 않음
- <Navigate/> 로 바뀜 (근데 이건 제가 잘못 사용한건지 먹히질 않더라구요 😭)
- useNavigate() Hook 릴리즈..! (이건 잘 먹힙니다..!!)
# 코드 구현
import React, {useState} from "react"; import { useNavigate } from "react-router"; export default function SignIn(props){ const navigate = useNavigate(); /// .... const click = (e)=>{ console.log("what the heck...;;;"); navigate("/home"); // 이렇게 하시면 됩니다..... ㅎ..... 하ㅏ... 하ㅏㅏ하하ㅏㅎ }; return( <div> <button onClick={click}>redirect.................</button> </div> ); }
# 나는 Route 부터 막히는데...? 😢
[React] A <Route> is only ever to be used as the child of <Routes> element, never rendered directly. Please wrap your <Route> in
ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ 에러문구가 시키는대로 로 감싸주었는데도 해결 못하셔서 찾아오신분들 환영합니다. 'react-router-dom' 라이브러리가 버전 업데이트가 됬어요...! 의 매개변수 이름이 변경되었습
# Reference
Notes on handling redirects in React Router v6, including a detailed explanation of how this improves on what we used to do in v
Notes on handling redirects in React Router v6, including a detailed explanation of how this improves on what we used to do in v4/5 - redirects-in-react-router-v6.md
How to upgrade React Router v5 to v6
React Router version 6 introduces several powerful new features, as well as improved compatibility with the latest versions of React. In this React Router tutorial is a comprehensive guide on how to upgrade your React Router v4/5 app to React Router v6. Re
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